Production monitor

Use Cases: Crop procurement, contract farming, production planning, insurance risk management

Our production monitor for field crops gives an accurate overview over large field portfolios and day to day update of the crop production. Many agro processing companies have only very little in season information about the status of the crops grown by their suppliers. Our solution provides an accurate, automatic and near-realtime analysis of area planted, crop status, crop performance, harvest activities and anomalies of the whole production. This may range from a few hundred to tens of thousands fields located in any part of the world. Thus, it is especially useful for contract farming or concession areas. Knowing the area actually growing and the timing creates transparency in your production and supply chain, helps to improve planning and allows to identify risks early. Additionally it provides a good basis for organising extension services to farmers. It is a ready to use solution for the food and non-food industry.

Production monitor for cotton
Production monitor dashboard

These are the main parameters derived from satellite imagery in near-realtime of the production monitor for field crops:

  • Field map
  • Analysis of field sizes
  • Field crop validation (e.g. single or multiple crops on parcel)
  • Verified active field area – daily updated
  • Crop emergence detection per week
  • Detection of reaching maximum biomass
  • Maturation status
  • Peak performance analysis
  • Harvest progress per week

Individual adaptations are available on request.

The production monitor is utilised successfully to monitor the growth and harvest of tomatoes for some of the largest tomato producers in Italy, for certified cotton in Greece and for sugarcane monitoring in India and Africa. Preconfigured solutions are available for the following crops:

  • Cotton
  • Sugarcane
  • Tomatoes

The production monitor can be configured for most field crops.

Here you can find a demonstration of the production monitor for cotton. It offers a dashboard and direct API access for integration.


A production monitor with daily updates for e.g. 10 000 ha costs 9 000 €. A set-up fee may apply. Contact our sales staff for more information and other volumes.

Related services

The production monitor relies on our satellite-driven crop monitoring API agknowledge and can be adapted to your specific needs and your crop. It can be combined with other services like: