Release API v4.4.9
- EUDR Parcel risk endpoint: enhanced the risk analysis for the commodity „wood“:
- degradation assessment will be carried out only within land cover class „natural forest“; now this is better aligned with the EUDR requirements;
Please note: the API response attributes for degradation will remain as is - deforestation assessment: the results of the analysis will be split up by land cover class in the following tree cover classes: natural forest, planted forest, shrubs; therefore the following new additional attributes are introduced:
- „deforestation_index_natural“: deforestation (percentage 0-100) in natural class
- „deforestation_area_ha_natural“: deforestation area_ha in natural class
- „deforestation_index_planted“: deforestation (percentage 0-100) in planted class
- „deforestation_area_ha_planted“: deforestation area_ha in planted class
- „deforestation_index_shrubs“: deforestation (percentage 0-100) in shrubs class
- „deforestation_area_ha_shrubs“: deforestation area_ha in shrubs class
- Please note: the API response attributes for deforestation will remain as is:
- „deforestation_risk“: overall deforestation risk assessment
- „deforestation_index”: total deforestation (percentage 0-100) in natural, planted and shrubs areas
- „deforestation_area_ha“: total deforestation area_ha in natural, planted and shrubs areas
- plausibility assessment: the existing plausibility check for commodity wood in the PDF report of the API is also available in the API response as additional attributes. Tree cover loss is expected during wood harvest; thus we added a rule that checks if harvest activity (i.e. deforestation or degradation) was detected on the given area within the tree cover classes natural forest, planted forest and shrubs; if not the plot geometry may be wrong.
- „plausibility“: overall plausibility assessment: ‘passed’, ‘uncertain’, ‘failed’; default: null
- „plausibility_msg“: plausibility message about the plausibility issue detected, e.g. ‘Forest disturbance area only 0.0 ha!’; if no issues were found the string is empty; default: null
- degradation assessment will be carried out only within land cover class „natural forest“; now this is better aligned with the EUDR requirements;
- EUDR Model 1.2.1:
- deforestation & degradation analysis per forest land cover class
Release API v4.4.8
New Features
- EUDR Parcel risk endpoint: improved land cover map image with 5 classes depending on commodity in landcover_png_baseline_date and map_utils_landcover_legend_png
- all commodities except wood: no changes in the 4 classes land cover map
- only for commodity wood: 5 classes land cover map (landcover_png_baseline_date), legend (map_utils_landcover_legend_png) and provision of additional numerical land cover analysis results in the API JSON / GeoJSON response
- Improved PDF report’s layout and rules for commodity wood; for commodity wood tree cover loss is expected during harvest; thus we added a rule that checks if harvest activity could be detected on the given area; if not the plot may be wrong
- EUDR Model 1.2.0:
- Added more local landcover maps (Uruguay, Bolivia, South Africa, New Zealand) for improved landcover classification
- Integrated SDPT 2.0
- Usage endpoint: fixed display of deleted parcels in usage summary endpoint
Release API v4.4.7
- EUDR Parcel registration endpoint: fixed wrong Geohash calculation for the center of any EUDR polygon / buffered point
- EUDR Parcel registration endpoint: production_end is now validated everytime a EUDR plot is registered; it has to be after 2020-12-31 (EUDR baseline); polygons or points with production_end before this cut off date will be rejected with HTTP response code 422
- EUDR Parcel risk endpoint: for commodities other than wood, degradation will not be part of the forest_change image anymore.
This is now more consistent with the API output, where the degradation (risk, area, index) is only available if the commodity for the current parcel is wood.
New Features
- EUDR Parcel risk endpoint: a new output format will be offered for the risk retrieval (along with the existing formats „JSON“, „GeoJSON“): a PDF report that offers a visualisation of the EUDR check results per parcel.
Technically you just have to pass &format=PDF to get it. This report also contains additional information about the methodology of the EUDR check.
Release API v4.4.6
- EUDR parcel registering: fixed area calculations on registration of EUDR parcels as points and point_area_buffer
Release API v4.4.5
- reformatted links of images in EUDR Check result to regular agknow format (no host URLs and API Keys anymore within JSON results)
- EUDR check attributes for risk response are always present – even if they are null (format=GeoJSON); if not present eudr_check will have an empty list in (format=JSON)
- EUDR batch: changed rule „geometry duplication check“ – it is ok now if the geometries are identical but the production enddate differs
New Features
- get latest EUDR risk in EUDR parcel list endpoint (GeoJSON & JSON) with new switch risk=True; this simplifies the retrieval of the latest EUDR Check result with a single request for all parcels of an API Key; please note that with this switch the response is limited to 250 parcels in one response so you’ll have to work with offset and limit parameters to loop through all parcels if the number of parcels exceed 250 on your API key.
Please note also, that this switch can be combined with the parameter extended=True which also returns the polygons instead of the center points (default).
- wrong product statistics when accessing a single image item
- added outlier_flag in change detection for improved quality
- for all EUDR responses fixed HTTP 500 error for empty results; now proper result as usual (404 and empty content)
Release API v4.4.4
- EUDR endpoints:
- usage limits: for batches (and thus regions) the message was adjusted to clarify when the maximum limit was reached for region registration
Release API v4.4.3
- EUDR endpoints:
- improved example JSON (input and responses) in API documentation
- enhanced quality of JSON response checks: changed attributes from optional to mandatory: parcel_id, commodity, production_end, area, geohash
- EUDR parcel endpoint:
- added optional foreign_id field for registering EUDR parcels
- EUDR region endpoint:
- register EUDR region removed in API; EUDR regions are created through batches only from now on
- EUDR parcel endpoint:
- removed comment of multiple parcels to batch endpoint
- fixed issues in handling geometries (self intersections, non closed rings)
- EUDR parcel risk endpoint:
- fixed multiple eudr check results in JSON format (only 1 item could be retrieved); GeoJSON response still shows only the latest risk assessment
- fixed empty risk for GeoJSON and JSON response: removed default values for response and generation_date in models, removed empty fields for GeoJSON responses
- EUDR batch endpoints:
- added region_id in responses
Release API v4.4.1
- parcel registration endpoint
- new attribute
won’t allow ‚eudr‘ anymore in the regular parcel endpoint registration; EUDR Parcels shall be registered only through the dedicated endpoint - all EUDR endpoints:
- generation_date attribute for risk results is now a timestamp everywhere (was date)
- GeoJSON is default output and input in any EUDR endpoint; simple JSON is the second option for responses
- EUDR parcel endpoints:
- Geometry message of a Parcel Validation Report is now a list
- EUDR parcel risk endpoint:
- EUDR risk output is now a list; output is ordered descending by date
- GeoJSON output contains the most recent risk; with format=JSON all risks may be retrieved
- EUDR Batch creation endpoint:
- creation now with a list of parcel IDs only
- region_id assigned and validation report is stored to database
- new validation rules added; only if all parcels pass the error rules the batch is created
- Errors
- parcel geometries may not be duplicate within the batch
- parcels may not be duplicate regarding all attributes within the batch
- parcels need the same attributes for country_iso and commodity
- Warnings
- overlapping geometries will be flagged
- outlier geometries will be flagged
- Errors
- output different between JSON and GeoJSON:
- JSON is more compact with relevant parcel IDs only and validation report at batch level
- GeoJSON returns a set of relevant parcels without validation report
- EUDR region risk endpoint:
- EUDR risk output is now a list; output is ordered descending by date
- GeoJSON output contains the most recent risk; with format=JSON all risks may be retrieved
Release v4.4.0
New endpoints: dedicated EUDR parcel & regional endpoints
- registration of new EUDR parcels (points & polygons)
- format may be also regular GeoJSON
- points will be buffered with a radius according to the given point_buffer_area parameter (default 4 ha)
- validation of geometry and mandatory attributes
- validation of claimed country_iso (coordinates match country_iso) and reported ares (area_rep)
- retrieval of single EUDR Parcel including validation report
- retrieval of the EUDR risk of a single parcel with enhanced EUDR risk assessment result:
- deforestation_area_ha added
- image of landcover mask at baseline date 2020-12-31 added (landcover_mask_png_baseline)
- image of forest change mask at harvest date added (forest_change_mask_png)
- Map utilities added
- legend image of landcover mask and forest change mask added
- scalebar image for generated images added
- degradation_risk, degradation_area_ha, degradation_index added for timber / wood commodity
- retrieval of the list of registrered EUDR Parcels for the given API Key
- registration of new EUDR regions (polygons)
- format may be also regular GeoJSON
- validation of geometry and mandatory attributes
- validation of claimed country_iso (coordinates match country_iso) and reported ares (area_rep)
- retrieval of single EUDR Region including validation report
- retrieval of the EUDR risk of a single region with EUDR risk assessment result
- retrieval of the list of registrered EUDR Regions for the given API Key
- all EUDR endpoints‘ results may be retrieved in agknowledge JSON format with geometry as GeoJSON or in regular GeoJSON format (i.e. Feature or FeatureCollection)
New Features
- parcel registering endpoint
- new attribute
allows the storage of special functionalities on parcel level, e.g. „weather“ - parcel list endpoint
- tags may be used in parcel list endpoint to filter parcels matching the given tags filter
- usage summary endpoint
- changes in usage endpoint because of billing requirements of EUDR (parcels / regions)
Release API v3.3.2
- scene metadata endpoint: fixed a bug where mean sun angle and mean sun azimuth were not corresponding to the bands
Release API v4.3.9
- harvest ranking endpoint: order is now descending by HMI per default
- parcel endpoint: userdata max length extended to 2048 chars (was 1024)
- agro & yield weather endpoints: fixed bug where the release date was used internally when no enddate has been passed
Release API v4.3.7 & Analytics v1.6.9
New Features
- Cumulative water balance endpoint available as beta release
- Pest risk endpoint available as beta release
- Beta products group introduced
Release DB v1.69 & API v4.3.6
New Features
- Bare Soil Index (BSI) endpoints available for Sentinel-2
- Change detection endpoint for Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1 backscatter VV / VH and experimental synthesized biomass index (SBMI)
Release DB v1.67
- Updated similarity & cropcheck for API v4 to work better with start & enddate in parcel pre selection
- similarity & cropcheck performance improvements for API v4
Release v4.3.4
- Updated dmc time series & harvest date functionality for maize
- similarity performance improvements for API v3
Release v4.3.3
New Features
- Updated maturity / dmc functionality in API v4 for maize
Release v4.3.2
- Internal refactoring & fixes without affecting products
Release v4.3.1
New Features
- Sentinel-2 L2A data available with API v4
- Parcel registering now also without ROI based management available; then only Sentinel-2 L2A data will be provided.
Note that Sentinel-2 L1C data still depends on ROI based scene processing for compatibility reasons.
- Colormaps endpoint
- new input filter attribute ’sensor‘ for filtering color maps for a certain data source (e.g. „sentinel2“, „landsat8“)
- new response attribute ’sensors‘
- Cropcheck endpoint
- fixed bug – works now as expected (filter by user id)
Release v4.2.6
- register parcel endpoint
- planting & harvest of parcel registration is technically limited from now on; the maximum time span a parcel can be registered for is 365 days by default
- user endpoint
- max_parcel_period is included in user information
Release v4.2.5
New Features
- growing degree days endpoint (GDD)
- phenology markers: SOS / POS is available now during the season
- timeseries endpoint: added smoothing method Cubic Spline („cspline“)
- timeseries endpoint: switched default smoothing method in timeseries endpoint from „savgol“ to „cspline“ and changed default smoothing and resampling parameterizations
- timeseries endpoint: parameter „sm_window“ is now called „sm_param“
Release v4.2.4
- similarity & cropcheck fix: start & enddate for the reference parcels search are set to the parcel’s planting and harvest date if not inside the time range of the parcel
- reflectance item endpoint fix: JSON item could not be retrieved
Release v4.2.3
New Features
- new endpoint (sentinel2 only!)
- scenemeta (containing image and product metadata)
- cropland: fixed documentation in endpoint
Release v4.2.2
- usage endpoint: current_billing_date added. This parameter specifies the start of the current billing period. E.g. if your contract started 1.1.2010 (=“key_billing_startdate“) the „current_billing_date“ would be 1.1.2021. The parcels registered after this date are relevant for the next billing and the limits calculation for your key.
- usage endpoint: „regstartdate“ is None by default and will be set to „current_billing_date“ internally if no „regstartdate“ is defined by the user (but it may still be overridden by a user defined value). This means that by default (if no parameter is specified by the user) the usage endpoint will give you an overview of your consumption for the CURRENT billing period. Older parcels are only considered if explicitely demanded by specified parameters „regstartdate“ and „regenddate“.
Release v4.2.1
- zones: wrong use of outlier_flag in raster id query -> only outlier flagged data was taken for the analysis
Release v4.2.0
New Features
- new endpoints (sentinel2 only!):
- cropland (cropped area for time range)
- netarea (cropped area on a single date)
- zones
- ranking
- similarity
- cropcheck
- new NDVI colormap: ndvi_fert
- new grouping of products / order according to product packages (see
- rotation endpoint renamed to cycles
- agroweather: weather data is limited to the startdate / enddate of the parcel
- homogeneity endpoint permission moved from ‚phenology‘ to ‚validation‘
- cycles endpoint permission moved from ‚crop_perf‘ to ‚validation‘
- parcel patch endpoint permission moved from ‚basic‘ to ‚patch‘
- parcel messages will be returned from newest to oldest (previously without sorting)
- small bugfix on visible & reflectance product (too broad raster extension file types allowed)
- small bugfix on parcel endpoint for
parameter: if nothing is found with the filter string,HTTP status 200
is returned (wasHTTP 404
Release v4.1.0
New Features
Yield prediction backend extension
- The new yield prediction list endpoint is now available
- With the new yield prediction PUT endpoint you can now write new yield predictions to our backend and overwrite them for the existing combination of PID, date_of_prediction
New, updated and editable parcel attributes
- The crop, name and entity parcel attributes have a maximum length of 255 characters now (before 30, 50, 50)
- The new parcel attribute „userdata“ for JSON content is now available and has a length of 1024 characters altogether
- It is now possible to update the parcel attributes crop, name, entity, userdata via the new PATCH endpoint
- The new message_code „ParcelUpdate“ will be written in parcel_messages if an attribute was changed
- Bugfix of CIRE in product list: no more „source=landsat8“ available for this product
Release v4.0.0
Informations about the initial API v4 release and important migration directions (v3 -> v4) can be found here.